Counting my days now! i still have about 2 weeks of work! then... in December will be the month for my preparation as well as others fellowship and mission matters to attend to before i leave for STM. in the last week of November i'll be training the new collegue so that he will be able to handle the work when i leave! can't wait till that time.
My work now have been slowing down! now there are more time for myself. am still coughing now but not as severe as last month. last week, wednesday i went to the CAC office in KL for an interview as i'll be going to STM. I worried that the scholarship would not be approve so i was anxious that day. I was called into the meeting room together with 5 other. there sitting in front of me are the District superintendents and the president. couldn't imagine the tension at that time and everyone were speaking in mandarin. Thank God, i am able to speak a little and understand. at the end, its just a get to know more about me interview...
I've been counting my cost about this path that God wants me to journey on! its a journey that have no U turns and the path is taken its all about serving God and follow His will all my life. During the interview, president brought out a point, since i'm under the scholarship of CAC after the graduation i'll have to serve in the CAC circle! which means chinese churches... this is one of the cost that i have to take! not an easy task to take.. i'll just have to learn up my mandarin! but i believe that God will bless me thru this journey... now i'll have to prepare myself both physically and spiritually for the seminary.
Today, i have the yearning for sweedish meetballs.. lol.. after going to office in the morning. i drove all the way down to IKEA and indulge myself with meetballs and salmon... did some walking after that. i went to the curve and to the cineleisure nothing much just walk around while digesting the food! (^_^)
Salmon Sweedish Meetballs

Don Moen's new album

Went to Evangel after that to get my pre-ordered CD about the last KVBC spoke by Christopher Ash about "Out of the Storm: Expositions on Job".
Pray that i'll be able to prepare myself for studies in Seminary