OCZ 2007

wah.. its been like 2 years already since i joined the Out Of Comfort Zone (OCZ).. last one was OCZ 2004... i remembered the time i join as a participant and have a really good time learning and equiping myself for outreach and mission ministry. i've got some pictures which i took during the last OCZ in my older posts... just scroll down to see or just click the 2004 link at the side.

now i'm back to the OCZ and its year 2007 but this time not the same anymore! now i come as a working committee and not a participant... i'm taking care on the program side of the conference and hope i can make it more memorable to all who participate this year!

the first day just come to an end and all are resting at their respective rooms and dormitary.. i however am surfing the net and checking emails. and also write this blog.. did not get any pictures to post up cause i was busy with the programs.. i'll get some when i have the time to snap some nice photos for all to see..

ok thats all.. will update more later..

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