Farewell to Esther!

After a long day at work on friday! tired and smelly.. haha... i'm suppose to have the home fellowship... instead we had dinner at kiwi express... where sean proposed! haha.. we have a good time laughing and a last fellowship with esther before she leave to Singapore for work!

Dinner with Esther and the rest of the guys!

What is Kwong Yeow doing?

1 comment:

gina said...

Eh, the choir of Trinity College - where I stayed for the last 2 years - is coming to perform at KLCC! Kelly and I are going. You wanna come too? Bring CC and people along lah.
Visit http://www.axcess.com.my/eventdetail.asp?id=4894250117605162691716792143114719591602 for details, k!